Import & Export Procedure
'Import Procedure'
This involves two phases:-
Issue of Import Permit:
An Importer intending to import agricultural commodities has to apply in advance for the issue of Import Permit in respect of the commodities listed in Schedule V and VI of PQ Order, 2003 in the prescribed form. The procedure to be followed has been shown in the flow chart.
Issuance of import permit

Inspection of imported agricultural commodities on arrival at the port of entry for preventing the introduction of exotic pests and diseases inimical to Indian Fauna and Flora through implementation of DIP Act, 1914 and Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into India) Order, 2003 issued thereunder.
The import clearance involves various steps from receipt of reference from Customs until recommendation for its release or otherwise to the Customs including sampling, detail testing viz., bacteriological, mycological, entomological, nematological, etc., besides the post entry quarantine (PEQ) testing at the importers premises under the PEQ facility. The flow chart for import inspection and clearance is given below.
Import Inspection Flowchart
The post entry quarantine inspections which are required in case of cuttings, saplings and bud woods are carried out by the Designated Inspection Authorities constituting mainly the head of the Department of Entomology/Plant Pathology of the Sate Agricultural Universities/ICAR Institutions.
Undertaking Post Entry Quarantine Inspection in respect of identified planting materials
In line with the New Policy on Seed Development, 1988 and the provisions of PQ Order, 2003, the specified planting material for propagation (viz., cuttings, saplings, bud woods, etc.) require growing under Post Entry Quarantine for a specified period. The import permit for such planting material is granted based on a certificate from Designated Inspection Authorities of the concerned jurisdiction stating that the importer possesses the post entry quarantine facility for the imported planting material. Such consignments are released with the intimation to the concerned Inspection Authorities for conducting further PEQ inspections and the final clearance is granted based on the PEQ Inspection Report.
Export Procedure
Inspection of agricultural commodities meant for export as per the requirements of importing countries under International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) 1951 of FAO as per the model certificates prescribed under IPPC and issue.
Phytosanitary Certificate:
The export inspections are carried out to facilitate certification of exportable plants and plant material as per the requirement of importing country in line with the above Convention. The export inspections involves sampling and detailed laboratory tests in case of seeds and planting material for propagation whereas visual examination with hand lens and washing tests, etc are carried out for plant material meant for consumption. The export inspections are conducted at exporters’ premises also to facilitate exports for agricultural commodities meant for consumption. The flow chart for various steps involved in export certification is given below.

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